Office/Sales: 705.746.4334
General Manager: 705.774.6339
Owner: 705.774.2053

Choosing the Right Shape & Size for Your Dock

The best shape and size for your dock will generally be dictated by a few key factors:

  • How it will be used? For example, will the dock be used primarily to moor large or small vessels, or as a seating/entertainment area?
  • The shoreline where the dock will be located. Shorelines come in all shapes and sizes, and you’ll want to be sure that your dock idea will “work” in conjunction with what mother nature has provided.
  • Municipal By-Laws and/or Department of Fisheries and Oceans regulations. Many municipalities have specific by-laws that dictate things like dock sizes, minimum distances to property lines, and so forth. Additionally, the DFO enforces regulations relating to fish habitat, etc. We can help you to understand and work through the various details associated with making your dock project a success.

After considering the factors listed above, it’s time to get down to the business of planning the layout and size of the dock that will best meet your needs. Most docks tend to be laid out as per the shapes shown at right, but don’t feel constrained by these designs - literally anything is possible, limited only by your imagination! The modular nature of our base dock designs leave plenty of room for future expansion and changes should your needs change over time.

Our floating docks can be built up to 30 feet long, and sometimes longer depending on the situation. While floating docks are our primary focus, we also do build traditional cribbed docks if that best meets your needs. Our docks can be shipped fully assembled up to 12′x30′, and more complex layouts can be assembled on site.

Understanding that many residential, commercial, and government dock projects are unique, we encourage you to contact us at any time to discuss your specific needs. Virtually any dock project can be designed and built to specifications that will meet your requirements.